


I am dying to tell you what I have remembered.

I began to lean naturally on the fundamentals of my knowledge and who I truly am. The first week of shutdown, I took out all my textbooks from my two university degrees, determined to identify what I needed to brush up on. Flooding back to me were memories of just how nerdy I was, or am. I sat front row in every class. I never missed classes or tests and I studied like it was my job. This whole pandemic…

So Ottawa, you’re interested in cosmetic injectables…

Hi, my name is Nurse Chelsey. I am a Registered Nurse and I own and operate Ottawa’s newest cosmetic injectables clinic. We are The Cosmetic Clinic Inc. and our goal is to create a service that has all the right ingredients to be replicated all over Canada. We picked our headquarters to be conveniently located in Barrhaven for many reasons. I promise I will get to them.

What do cosmetic injectables mean? …

Be Informed

I want you to know that the nurse-client relationship should always be collaborative. The nurse imparts knowledge based on personal, ethical, evidential and aesthetic knowledge and combines it with client needs. Once needs are assessed and a plan is put into place, the client must consent to the plan. For example, if a client comes in with “number 11” lines between the brows, the nurse may plan to inject…

Say goodbye to the frozen face

Clients often ask, “will my face look like I am frozen and cannot move?” The answer is, that is not what we want.

Frozen face comes from being over-injected, or over-Botoxed. The Nurse Chelsey method is to find the sweet spot, to get rid of the dynamic lines or diminish static lines with the least amount of neuromodulator. Movement is important for expression and looking like yourself. Yes, facial movement will be decreased but we do not want movement completely gone. In fact, the muscles we target for neuromodulator are generally the muscles that when overused, create lines that make us look cross or upset. Losing movement in those areas make us look happier. …